Some of those medals do not resemble our modern day accessories. Some, for example look like the piece that can be found by placing this phrase in a search engine: “Saint Michael Ancient—lock medal.” The design on this item copies a picture that was drawn by hand. An expert craftsman has carved that picture onto a silver medallion.
Various members of the Armed Forces welcome the chance to buy and wear in battle a Saint Michael’s medal. For that reason, those medals can be purchased from a number of web sites that carry items for members of the military. One site that focuses on items for members of the U.S. Marine Corps carries such a medal.

It is a circular item with a diameter of one inch. It has been designed to hang on a 20 inch long silver chain. It has the phrase “Saint Michael Protect Me” on the bottom and the phrase “United States Marine Corps” on the top. It displays the image of the Marine Corps seal—a globe intersected by an anchor, with an eagle on top of the globe.
Customers who want to personalize a Saint Michael medal can do so, by going online and placing an order. They can then expect to receive a silver item with a diameter of ¾ inches, and one that is designed to hang from an 18-inch rhodium plated stainless steel chain.
Some of the patron saint medals feature an oxidized finish. That finish highlights the details in the medal’s inspirational image. They call attention to the saintly appearance of revered believers such as Saint Joan of Arc.
The online shopper who plans to seek out a patron saint medal should consider placing several different terms in the search engine. For example, he or she might want to enter the word “shield.” In that way, that online shopper would stand a better chance for locating all of the available Saint Michael medals.
The same person might want to try placing the word “pendant” in the proper location on a search engine. By entering that one word, the online shopper can uncover the web site that offers a St. Christopher locket pendant, a St. Theresa locket pendant and a St. Florion fire fighter pendant.
There is not saint that has not had his or her image placed on some sort of medallion. Consequently, one can go online and discover a medal for any of the revered saints. There are medallions that display an image of St. Peregrine, as well as those that feature an image of St. Jude Thaddeus. St. Joseph of Cupertino, St. Patrick, St. Martin of Tours and St. Francis de Sabres are but a few of the names among the long list of saints who have had their images engraved on a silver medal.
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